We’ve all heard the popular saying growing up that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” It’s unlikely that this would be so well known if there wasn’t any merit behind the statement. While fruit does have a rich supply of antioxidants and fiber that provide universal health benefits, the truth is that it alone can’t keep humans healthy enough to prevent a visit to the doctor’s office. There are a wide variety of factors that play into a doctor’s specific recommendations for each patient, most notably their age, gender, body type, and family medical history. Regardless, there are still some orders that should be performed by everyone.

We compiled standard recommendations and data from medical journals, the Census Bureau, university studies, health magazines, and other credible sources in order to put together a timeline of the healthiest day possible. It evaluates the amount of time is required to complete basic recommendations for healthy living, like brushing teeth, washing hands, and exercising and combines it with the normal priorities of basic survival like eating three meals, working full time, and sleeping.


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On a larger scale it’s possible that many humans get so caught up in the busyness of everyday life that it seems unrealistic to accomplish everything in a 24 hour span. With this in mind, we wanted to devise an optimal routine that could best serve your physical, mental, and spiritual health needs. As you look at it you may notice that your own schedule and priorities differ at certain sections of the day, but just remember that it is intended to be used as a general rule of thumb. Your Doctor will agree that adding some actions is better for your well-being than nothing at all.

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