
Midlife can and should be the best years of our lives, but they can often fall short if we let life get in the way. To ensure they are the best, Readers.com asked topic experts to share special advice on everything from healthy living to planning for retirement. Our experts’ uplifting stories will inspire you to approach every situation with a Glass(es) Half Full mentality, so check back each month for more in this series and like us on Facebook for additional tips!

Our very first feature is Self Love Expert and Confidence Creator Rosie Battista of Sleeping Naked After 40. Rosie’s mission? To inspire women to lose weight and regain their self confidence. She shares her exclusive tips on how to whittle down that waistline the safe, healthy way below. Take it away Rosie!

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Have you looked in the mirror lately and noticed that you’re missing something? It’s not actually missing; your waist is there front and center, more prominent than ever, expanded past the point of confident and sexy.

Don’t get me wrong. I love expansion. The super awesome thing about being a woman over 40 is the ever growing, expanding wisdom that makes you smarter and wiser everyday. The challenge in being a women over 40 is that it takes mindful decisions to keep your body healthy. You must actively decide to participate in creating health for your life.

Watch more of Rosie’s videos here.

Here’s the deal. If you are over 40, step up and own it. There are tons of awesome things to embrace about this part of your life, even if you now need reading glasses, hair dye, and more self care to present your finest physical form. You are not 20. Your body is that of a woman, not a kid. Don’t expect the waist measurement of a boyish, 20-year-old figure to continue to show.

However, just because you’re a certain age doesn’t mean your body has to bulge out all over the place or bust your pants at the seams. Incorporating these 9 practices consistently in your daily life will make changes to your waist, without surgery, starving, or spending hours in the gym.

1. Stop starving. Get off of the restrictive diet. Instead of counting calories, look for food without a label and eat that. There are yummy ways to cook “naked” foods in their purest form. Check out www.onlinecookingschool.com for virtual how to cook lessons.

2. Don’t leaf them out. Incorporate dark leafy greens as part of your daily dining routine.

3. Lose the fake stuff. Remove all processed, refined, and fake food (white flour, refined sugar, and preservatives) from your diet. Anything in a box can simply be replaced with “naked” food in its most natural form.

4. Become less interested in why you can’t. Don’t let the old belief that “you are old” become an excuse to give up. You are never to old to build the best version of yourself.

5. Use your phone. Set your phone timer to 10 minutes and walk briskly. When you buzz, walk back to your starting point in 8 minutes. Make this a daily practice, no matter where you are.  

6. Be a kid. Buy a hoola hoop and twirl that baby around your waist for 8 minutes. Do this a few times a week.

7. Let go. Accept what is and have faith that all is as it should be. Stressing and worrying over things out of your control increases cortisol levels that adds to your waistline. Let go of the things you have no control over, which is basically everything.  

8. Act as if. Pretend that you are already at your perfect weight. How would you eat and act from that place?  

9. Fall in love. When you are in love, everything seems easier. What if your only goal was to love yourself?

Psst … Tweet this and share your newfound wisdom: “If you eat refined, fake food, it’ll show on your body. If you eat pure, naked food, the body of your dreams will show.” @RosieBattista 

About Rosie

Rosie Battista is a Self Love Expert and Confidence Creator. As owner and founder of Sleeping Naked After 40 and the lifestyle that supports health, she and her company are “as real as it gets.” Rosie is passionate about helping women get healthy, build back confidence, and feel gorgeous and sexy at every age. Teaching excellence in nutrition, extreme self love, and extraordinary care, Rosie offers unique, implementable and sustainable ways for styling your life to support the body and life you desire. 

Competing in her first body building competition at the age of 50 is proof of her teachings that anything is possible when you just believe it. Mindset shifts and lessons in love create the foundation for her mission in helping women build the best versions of themselves. In her practice and teachings of cooking “naked” and eating food as close to it’s natural source as possible, Rosie demonstrates how easy it is create, concoct, and cook in your kitchen with her short informative cooking videos. For your free cooking lessons on using real naked food to build a healthier, sexier body, visit iCookNaked.com.