A light breeze and colorful leaves bring autumn to mind, and as the seasons start to change, many take the opportunity to get together with friends and family to make lasting memories. Some of these fall activities may require reading glasses for ample enjoyment — but luckily, we know where you can get a few!

Take a look at our newest arrivals — they’re perfect for any autumnal occasion!

Fall Baking

When a chill hits the air, it seems to awaken our inner pastry chef. From apple pie to pumpkin bread, your decadent options are endless. Unfortunately, misreading the recipe or ingredient labels can lead to disaster! With a pair of The Lorelai Bifocals, you’ll be ready to start baking!

Watching Television

With temperatures cooling down, chances are you’re spending your free time curled up on the couch in anticipation of the next episode of your favorite television series. Whether you’re tuning in for your favorite show or cheering on your team through the big screen, glasses like The Edinburgh Folding Reader make the activity more enjoyable and less strenuous on the eyes.

Pumpkin Carving

There’s no quicker way to upset your grandchildren than by ruining their prized jack-o’-lantern! To ensure that you clearly cut along the traced lines, pop on a pair of readers like The Bookworm Reader. Crisis averted!

Online Shopping

It’s never too early to start shopping for the people on your list. Holiday shopping can be a headache of its own, and squinting while you browse the web can make it even worse! The Wynn Computer Reader is a practical and affordable solution. Consider this purchase a gift for yourself!


Whether you’ve been tasked with sewing your grandchild’s Halloween costume or have a knack for knitting cold-weather accessories, eye strain is something to be avoided. A pair of The Edlund will simplify the task and make your work perfection!

Attending a Fall Festival

In between the autumn showers, we often get bright and sunny fall days. Spend the rest of your free days this fall taking an adventure to the apple orchard, the pumpkin patch, or a local fall festival. To protect your eyes from the sun, while still being able to read signage, maps, and menus, invest in a pair of reading sunglasses like the Key West Reading Sunglasses.

What fall activities are you looking forward to the most? We’d love to hear about it — share with us on Facebook!

Disclaimer: All references to “bifocals” herein refer to readers having unmagnified lenses containing a “bifocal style” single powered reading glass insert located in the lower portion of the lenses.