Remember superlatives from high school and college? We’ve put together a list of reading glasses that are best in their class. Check out our top picks for the best and most eye-conic readers around! Drumroll please…

The Lucia readers The Key West sun readers selena colorful readers round reading glasses driving reading glasses cat eye readers covington readers tortoise cat eyes black wayfarer readers Image Map

Check out our award-winning reading glasses, and shop for the pair that fits you best!

  1. Most Likely to be on the Cover of a Magazine: The Lucia
  2. Most Likely to Travel the World: The Key West Reading Sunglasses
  3. The Next Picasso: The Selena
  4. Most Likely to Win Jeopardy: The Clay
  5. Most Likely to Drive a Hot Rod: The Glendale Bifocal Driving Reader
  6. Hostess with the Mostess: The Allie
  7. Most Likely to Become President: The Covington
  8. Cutest Couple: The Laura & The Dean

Which readers would you add to our list? If your favorite pair is superlative-worthy, we’d love for you to share with us on Facebook!

Disclaimer: All references to “bifocals” herein refer to readers having unmagnified lenses containing a “bifocal style” single powered reading glass insert located in the lower portion of the lenses.